Night Vision: Monsters, Myths and Legends

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Thursday December 26

5:30 PM  –  8:30 PM

Night Vision

 Where in the museum the monsters hide, with demons and guardians lurking inside, with amulet in hand and lit by flashlight, come hunt creatures in the dark of the night! Have you ever been curious about the origins of legendary creatures like vampires and werewolves? Have you wondered how to protect yourself against snake-haired or intestine-faced demons? Join us at the Penn Museum, where we’ll learn what makes a monster and face off against creatures that go bump in the night.

Two drinks included.   21+ Only.


Please enter at the East Entrance


5:30pm – 6:00pm | Check-in, Relax with a drink, Café  


6:30pm – 7:30pm | Flashlight Tour “Monsters, Myths and Legends”, Various Galleries  


7:30pm – 8:30pm | Mingling, Last Call, Café